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PI Tomac Ingrid, Ph.D.:

  1. ARMA Early Career Keynote Lecture (2022)
  2. ASCE San Diego - Outstanding Civil Engineering Faculty Advisor (2022)
  3. ARMA Distinguished Service Award - Junior Level (2021)
  4. Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) for women in deep foundations (2020)


Melissa Lepe: ABRCMS 2021 Presentation Award for Engineering, Physics and Mathematics (2021)

Mahta Movasat:

  1. CalGeo 2022-2023 Scholarship Recipient (2022)
  2. USUCGER-GeoCongress Student Travel Grants (2022)
  3. ASCE Orange County Geo-Institute Chapter 2019 Geotechnical Scholarship (2019)

Brian D. Yamashiro: 1st Place in UCSD Lab Expo Poster Competition (2021)